Nobody likes to be lied to. Growing up we’re feed fallacies left and right, such the existence of the Easter bunny, Santa Claus, and Big Foot. However, another fallacy that people hardly ever talk about is Groundhog Day. Groundhog Day is on February 2
nd of ever year. On this day, a groundhog is observed coming out of its dwelling in the ground, and if the groundhog does not see its shadow, spring will be coming soon. However, if the groundhog does see his shadow, and returns back inside of its dwelling, then winter will extend another six months.
I don’t want to seem like the Ebenezer Scrooge of this topic, but this is something that
isn’t logical. Placing the fate of the seasons on the back of a little furry creature is
un-realistic and silly. What a lot of people don’t know are the origins of Groundhog Day. Groundhog Day is celebrated in part of Canada and the United States, particularly Pennsylvania. The holiday was brought to America by German settlers in the 17
th and 18
th centuries. (1)
A newspaper editor named
Clymer H.
Freas, and a newspaper publisher and Congressman W. Smith brought the holiday to
Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. There it became an annual festival that still remains popular to this day. The festival featured a groundhog named
Punxsutawney Phil, and many would crowd around to watch him make his decision. Today version of the festival features food and beverages, and speeches about the coming winter. (2)
Ladies and Gentleman I am here to expose this holiday as a hoax. For many people this holiday means a lot. Some people can’t wait for spring to come. Spring is the season famous for leaves coming back on trees, new blooming romances, and improving weather. For some people, spring means the end of skiing season, and the start of allergy season. Scientifically, spring
doesn't start until March 22
nd, which proves that either way the groundhog is wrong. Groundhog Day is erroneous on both possibilities and I hope that I was able to turn you all away from this deception.
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